Bubbling happiness like a bouncing ball
Youthful heart like a humming song
Sun to give light to this moon
Star in life to be my boon;
The CHILD in me is my need the lost happiness it should feed;
The legs that ran behind the butterfly, The hands that dared to touch the beehive, The yearn to own the moon and the stars, The fun to run behind the moving cars, The radiant smile after a friendly fight, The incessant noise under a street light, The funny tales about the birds
Failure is a season
everthing happens for a reason;
beleive you can succeed that’s the way to proceed;
everything depends on our attitude do your actions with gratitude;
fear none except God believe none except self;
salvage something from your setback construct something from other’s feedback;
be positive-act with perseverance personify self with perspiration;
there’s no gain without pain and no grain without rain;
Face challenges in life Fight till the end
Follow the path of truth Feed the needy
Fear not others Flourish with your hard work
Figure your problems Find the right solution
Friendship can guide Frankness will help
Fitness is a must Fulfillment is a gift
Forget your worries Forgive even enemies
Free your mind from tension Foresee your future with attention
Faithfullness is a fair need Fairness is a good deed
Life is a mixed chat of emotions a blend of confusion,frustration,hatred as spices, failure,regrets as added flavours, success is the main and hidden ingredient flavoured with love and peace.
Life is a rough road with pebbles and thorns, unless we try to make it a bed of roses, life can never be unfair to a person who can dare.
Life is a boon for a person with values and is a curse for the one with mistakes What we sow, we have to reap, with that hope, life can be deep.
Some times there are no answers To the questions that come to mind If we ever come to wonder Why we walked this way in life
Then there comes a subtle change Steady but for sure. Lives are still evolving. Another chance has it’s allure
But it seems the days are counted There’s much history in your past. Intertwining lives With ties that ever last..
And during the preparation It feels so upside down. You can not stop the process But hope it all turns out.
When things go wrong as they sometimes will. When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill.
When the funds are low, and debts are high And you want to smile but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit. Rest if you must, but Dont You Quit.
Life is queer with it’s twists and turns. As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about. When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long as I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth,
Then took the other as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim; Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that, the passing there Had worn them really about the same.